About the Cognitive Science Program
The Cognitive Science Program’s mission is to provide interdisciplinary, high-quality training to undergraduate and graduate students in the science of the human mind that prepares students to tackle global and multicultural challenges.
Cognitive science is the study of how intelligent beings (including people, animals, and machines) perceive, act, know, and think.
It explores the process and content of thought as observed in individuals, distributed through communities, manifested in the structure and meaning of language, modeled by algorithms, and contemplated by philosophies of mind.
Its models are formulated using concepts drawn from many disciplines, including psychology, linguistics, logic, computer science, anthropology, and philosophy, and they are tested using evidence from psychological experiments, clinical studies, field studies, computer simulations, and neurophysiological observation.
Upcoming Events
Kinds of Cognition Graduate Conference 9:00am
Kinds of Cognition Graduate Conference
Saturday, February 22nd, 2025
09:00 AM - 04:00 PM
Programme (in EST)
09:00 - 09:10 Welcome and Introduction
09:10 - 10:15 Keynote: Elisabeth Pacherie (institut Jean Nicod; Institute for the Study of Cognition at Ecole Normale Supérieure, Paris)
“Motoric Representational Format”10:20 - 10:50 James D. Grayot (University of Porto)
“Representation hunger: Reformulating the ‘problem-domain’ of truly complex cognition”10:55 - 11:25 Iwan Williams (Monash University)
” Proto-asserters?: The case of chatbot speech meets the case of toddler speech “11:30 - 12:05 Frederik T. Junker (University of Copenhagen)
“From Daydreams to Decisions”12:10 - 12:40 Georgina Brighouse (University of Liverpool)
“Rethinking aphantasia: A genuine lack of capacity but not a disorder or disability
12:40 - 1:20 Lunch1:20 - 1:50 Mica Rapstine (University of Michigan)
“Moral Epiphany and Insight in Problem Solving”1:55 - 2:25 Joachim Nicolodi (University of Cambridge)
“Consciousness in the Creative Process and the Problem for AI”2:30 - 3:00 Mona Fazeli (University of California, Los Angeles)
“Does Metareasoning Contribute to Epistemic Rationality?”3:05 - 3:35 Juan Murillo Vargas (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
“How Language-Like is the Language of Thought?”3:40 - 4:35 Keynote: Cameron Buckner (University of Florida)
“Large Language Models as models of human reasoning” -
UCHI Fellow’s Talk: César Abadia-Barrero on Sugary Industries and the Body 3:30pm
UCHI Fellow’s Talk: César Abadia-Barrero on Sugary Industries and the Body
Wednesday, February 26th, 2025
03:30 PM - 04:45 PM
Homer Babbidge Library
A research talk by UCHI faculty fellow César Abadia-Barrero on his project, “Too Sick to Labor: Disease and Profit as the end of Capitalism,” with a response by Daniel Hershenzon.
Logic Colloquium: Tyler Knowlton (U Delaware) 2:00pm
Logic Colloquium: Tyler Knowlton (U Delaware)
Friday, February 28th, 2025
02:00 PM - 03:30 PM
Join us in the Logic Colloquium for a talk by Tyler Knowlton (Linguistics & Cognitive Science, U Delaware).
Details t.b.a.
https://logic.uconn.edu/calendar/ -
El Instituto’s Graduate Research Forum 9:45am
El Instituto’s Graduate Research Forum
Saturday, March 1st, 2025
09:45 AM - 02:15 PM
Ryan Building
“ELIN’s Graduate Research Forum: Interdisciplinary Perspectives from Latina/o, Caribbean, and Latin American Studies”
Saturday, March 1, 2025
Ryan Building, Room 204
Join El Instituto’s Graduate Research Forum, where graduate students will share and defend their research! This research forum showcases new interdisciplinary collaboration and academic exchange across multiple departments: valuable feedback and networking opportunities with peers and faculty.Schedule Overview:
- 3 Sessions with presentations along with Q&A
- Breaks in between sessions
- Lunch provided to conclude event
Please enter through El Instituto’s main entrance on the side of the building passing the (InCHIP) Institute for Collaboration on Health, Intervention, and Policy. You can find information for directions in El Instituto’s website.
There is limited space, RSVP today!