Cognitive Science Program Steering Committee

Photo of Gerry Altmann

Gerry Altmann

Psychological Sciences

Photo of Adrian Garcia-Sierra

Adrian Garcia-Sierra

Speech, Language, and Hearing Sciences

Photo of Mitch Green

Mitch Green


Photo of Alex Paxton

Alexandra Paxton

Psychological Sciences




Photo of Erika Skoe

Erika Skoe

Speech, Language and Hearing Sciences

Photo of William Snyder

William Snyder


Photo of Manuela Wagner

Manuela Wagner

Literatures, Cultures, and Languages

Photo of Dimitris Xygalatas

Dimitris Xygalatas





Student Representatives

  • Cynthia Boo, COGS Certificate Student (AY 23/24)
  • Sarah Gilmore, COGS Certificate Student (AY 23/24)
  • Paulina Gerner, COGS UG Major (AY 23/24)
  • Tyler Washington, COGS UG Major (AY 23/24)