Undergraduate Courses

Below, you'll find the Cognitive Science Undergraduate Courses offered int he current academic year. The program also offers many sections of the following courses each semester: COGS 3589- Undergraduate Research, COGS 3599- Independent Study, and COGS 4596W- Senior Thesis in Cognitive Science.

Clicking on a course will show you the course details as provided in the University's Course Catalog.

2201. Foundations of Cognitive Science

3.00 credits

Prerequisites: May not be taken out of sequence after passing COGS 3584, 3599 or 4596.

Grading Basis: Graded

Origins of and current developments within scientific study of the mind-brain. Topics include: computational theories of mind, artificial and natural intelligence, cognitive neuroscience and the mind/body problem, embodied and distributed cognition, neural networks, self-organizing cognitive systems, learning and innateness. CA 3.

Last Refreshed: 13-MAR-25 AM
To view current class enrollment click the refresh icon next to the enrollment numbers.
Term Class Number Campus Instruction Mode Instructor Section Session Schedule Location Enrollment Credits Notes
Spring 2024 4984 Storrs In Person Green, Mitchell
Naigles, Letitia
Martinelli, Monica
Medeiros, Steve
001 Reg MoWeFr 2:30pm‑3:20pm
CAST 212 104/120 3.00