The Diverse Intelligences Summer Institute


A new summer program is being launched by a few faculty at UCLA, the Diverse Intelligences Summer Institute (DISI for short). The basic idea is to bring together promising graduate students and postdocs interested in the study of mind, cognition, and intelligence for two weeks of transdisciplinary exploration. Participants and faculty will fall roughly into three sub-themes:

  • Recognizing Intelligences (i.e., non-human biological intelligences)
  • Shaping Human Intelligences (how development, culture, technology, etc. shape human capacities)
  • Programming Intelligences (artificial intelligence and its social/philosophical implications)


An outstanding international faculty has been assembled, and  they anticipate stimulating discussion and debate across a range of cutting-edge topics. In addition to attending lectures and engaging in discussions, participants will have the opportunity to develop collaborative interdisciplinary research projects with guidance from DISI faculty and staff.

The Summer Institute will be held at the University of St Andrews, Scotland, from July 29 to August 12.

Reviewing of applications begins on February 1, 2018. Roughly 40-45 participants will be selected. Apply here.

If potential applicants have any questions, they can reach out to our wonderful Program Administrator, Dr. Stephanie Meredith, at

Thanks so much for helping us build an exciting new intellectual community!