A postdoc position in L2 learning is available for two years:
The candidate’s experience in L2 studies is more important than experiences in neuroimaging or VR. The successful candidate will join the PI’s team (https://blclab.org/) in a vibrant university community (https://www.polyu.edu.hk/) and a dynamic international city.
For inquiries please email pingpsu@gmail.com or pauline.tai@polyu.edu.hk; for non-Chinese speaking candidates, consult with other non-Chinese members in the lab (https://blclab.org/ourlab/).
Kind regards,
Author: Crystal Mills
Job announcement: 1 position for 1 year to work on the Multimind project
Job announcement: 1 position for 1 year to work on the Multimind project
(https://www.multilingualmind.eu/) is advertised at the following link:
The project will be carried out at the University of Milano Bicocca
Application deadline is 20 February 2021
For more information please contact mariateresa.guasti@unimib.it
Post-doctoral position / tenure-track potential / neuroimaging
Post-doctoral position / tenure-track potential / neuroimaging
MRI imaging of the impact of air pollution on school age children
A postdoctoral position is available in theNeurosmog projectin the Szwed lab in the department of Psychology at the Jagiellonian University in Kraków, Poland, to work on the impact of ambient air pollution on the developing brain in school-age children. The successful candidate is expected to take the role the associate leader in the ongoing collection and the planned analysis of the rich Neurosmog neuroimaging data (task and RS- fMRI, DWI, structural, myelin mapping).
The Neurosmog project endeavours to investigate the effects of air pollution on behavioural and neural changes in school-age children.It combines four scientific teams in the fields of pollution assessment, child psychology, neuroimaging and epidemiology with the common goal of determining the impact of ambient air pollution on the developing brain in school age children. It uses MRI imaging and in-depth psychological testing of 300 cases of an ADHD group and 500 cases of a control group selected from the general population. Data collection has already began, and its end is foreseen in July 2022.This post is fully funded by a 3.5M EUR grant awarded by the Foundation for Polish Science (Fundacja na rzecz Nauki Polskiej, FNP)
The candidate is expected to take the role the associate leaderof a large-scale neuroimaging project with an enormous relevance to urgent public health issues.The position is initially for 33 months, and can be extended and converted into a tenure-track position on the condition of receiving external funding. The Institute of Psychology will support and encourage this extension. It will also cover the cost of the necessary advanced degree (Habilitation) required for career advancement.
The candidates’ job will be to:
· * supervise ongoing MRI data collection
· * With the help of the projects’ data manager/programmer and a PhD student, and in liaison with the epidemiology/child psychology groups, and plan, build and execute MRI data analysis
· * Present and publish project results
· * Plan an expansion of the neuroimaging data analysis by using the vast amount of unique data gathered under Neurosmog. Options include, but are not limited to fields such as green space research, socioeconomic research, ADHD research, or similar
· * In the last year of the postdoc contract, apply for new funding schemes
The candidate will be based in Institute of Psychology at Jagiellonian University in Kraków, Poland. JU Institute of Psychology, ranked number one in Poland for psychological research. Located in a newly renovated building in the very heart of Kraków, a vibrant city famous for its architecture, culture and quality of life, the Institute is a renowned centre of excellence and hosts research teams working on themes ranging from neuroimaging and neuroplasticity to health and social psychology.
Applicants must have a PhD (or equivalent) degree in psychology, neuroscience, or a related field including, computer science, applied mathematics, biology etc., obtained not earlier than in 2012(extensions possible for parental leave). Previous experience in MRI imaging is indispensable.Experiences with neuroimaging packages (SPM, FSL, Freesurfer and similar),structural MRI and DTIor large-scale MRI datasets will be a plus, but are not obligatory.
Terms of employment:
The position is initially available for is initially for 33 months (until end of December 2023). Salary for this position will be approximately 7300 PLN (Net) – for candidates who obtained their PhD after 2015, and approximately 8500 PLN (Net) – for candidates who obtained their PhD between 2012 and 2015. Both are sufficient for a high standard life in Kraków, where living costs are substantially lower than the EU average.
The position can be extended on the condition of receiving external funding. The candidate will be expected to apply for Polish and international tenure-track funding schemes such as the NAWA Chair Programme the NCN/Max Planck Dioscuri Programme (before beginning of the contract), and the NCN funding schemes (OPUS, SONATA, SONATA BIS, during his/her postdoc contract).
Benefits include health coverage (NFZ) for the candidate and his/her family, summer and winter holiday benefit for children and teenagers, childcare subsidy and sport and leisure activities/subsidies. The NeuroSmog project provides ample research funding for equipment, database access, software, conferences and collaborative travel.
To apply send aCV including a list of publications, research experience and scientific interests, and email addresses of two science or professional mentors for possible references to:m.szwed@uj.edu.plEnquiries are welcome, and should be sent to the same email address
Deadline for application is 26.02.2021.
Starting date is April 2021 but can be postponed in exceptional cases
postdoc in developmental cognitive neuroscience
Dr. Lauren Emberson is seeking a postdoctoral researcher to join her lab at Princeton University and University of British Columbia. Start time flexible but ideally as soon as possible.
Position Summary
This Gates foundation grant-funded position will focus on the analysis of existing developmental neuroimaging datasets (fNIRS/fMRI) to predict developmental outcomes. The focus of this project is on dynamic changes during experience (i.e., learning), the emergence of large-scale neural networks (i.e., functional connectivity) and distributed representational patterns across the cortex (i.e., decoding or use of machine learning methods) in these fNIRS datasets.
Preferred Qualifications
Researchers with interests in early neural and cognitive development with prior experience with developmental neuroimaging (fNIRS, EEG, fMRI, other) are encouraged to apply. Ideally, candidates will have knowledge of relevant statistical software & programming tools (e.g. MATLAB, R).
Essential Qualifications
Candidates must have a Ph.D. and show evidence of publication-quality dissertation research. Candidates must have research experience with developmental populations and/or neuroimaging (with adults OR developmental populations, any modality).
Please submit a CV, a cover letter describing academic and research goals, as well as relevant research experience directly to Dr. Emberson. In addition, include 2 papers or posters of your research. Applicants are required to include contact information for at least 2 references but letters are not required at this time. References will be contacted for a short-list of candidates only. Contact Dr. Lauren Emberson (lauren.emberson@gmail.com) for additional questions.
Research Postdoctoral Fellow Position at Center for Autism and the Developing Brain (CADB) at Weill Cornell
Research Postdoctoral fellowship at the ASD & Developmental Science Lab
(PI: Kim), Center for Autism and the Developing Brain (CADB)
at Weill Cornell Medicine
Weill Cornell Medicine is seeking candidates for a two-year postdoctoral research fellowship beginning July, 2021 and based at the Center for Autism and the Developing Brain (CADB). CADB is a state-of-the art clinical and research program and a collaborative program of NewYork-Presbyterian, Weill Cornell Medicine, and Columbia Vagelos College of Physicians and Surgeons and in partnership with NEXT for Autism. CADB is located on the campus of New York-Presbyterian Westchester Behavioral Health Center in White Plains, New York. The Center provides comprehensive assessment and clinical services for hundreds of patients annually.
The Research Postdoctoral Fellow will work under the supervision and mentorship of Dr. So Hyun “Sophy” Kim, to support projects funded by NIH and Simons Foundation examining early behavioral features and trajectories of with autism spectrum disorders (ASD) and an EEG/ERP study examining neural correlates of executive function and school readiness in children ASD at CADB’s ASD & Developmental Science Lab (PI: Kim). Responsibilities will include data collection, preparation of manuscripts and grant applications, and training research assistants. The Fellow will be ideally leading our efforts to analyze EEG/ERP data; therefore, previous experiences with EEG/ERP data analyses are strongly preferred. The Fellow will also have opportunities for clinical training to get licensed under the supervision of licensed clinicians.
The ideal candidate will be interested in pursuing an academic career as a clinical researcher. To support career development in research, the Fellow will receive protected research time and grant-writing mentorship. The Fellow will have an option to accrue clinical hours for their New York State Psychology license by delivering interventions (e.g., naturalistic developmental behavioral interventions in preschool classroom setting) and/or diagnostic and developmental assessments.
Applicants should have earned a Ph.D. in clinical psychology or other related disciplines (e.g., developmental psychology, developmental neuroscience). Applicants who are completing the APA accredited internship and are eligible for a New York State limited permit or license are preferred.
The stipend is competitive with health benefits and vacation. Position will start sometime in July-September, 2021. Interested applicants should email a CV and statement of interest to Dr. Sophy Kim at sok2015@med.cornell.edu. Application deadline: February 15th, 2020.
Position Announcement: Postdoctoral Fellows for Academic Diversity, College of Arts and Sciences, American University
American University in Washington DC is currently inviting applications to fill two positions of Postdoctoral Fellows for Academic Diversity (below and attached). The link to apply on Interfolio is http://apply.interfolio.com/82854
A number of AU faculty in the Center for Neuroscience & Behavior, the Department of Psychology, and/or the Department of Neuroscience may be of interest to prospective postdoctoral applicants on this listserv, including (but not limited to):
- Dr. Catherine Stoodley is interested in the neuroscience of cognitive development, particularly the role of the human cerebellum in cognition, cognitive development and in neurodevelopmental disorders. She uses clinical studies, structural and functional neuroimaging, neuromodulation with transcranial direct current stimulation, and behavioral testing to investigate the functional anatomy of the cerebellum and the type of processing that the cerebellum performs. Learn more at: http://www.stoodleylab.org/
- Dr. Emily Grossnickle Peterson applies methods from educational psychology and cognitive neuroscience to investigate cognitive and motivational factors that support (or hinder) student learning in STEM (science, technology, engineering, mathematics). Her current research examines questions such as why spatial reasoning skills predict science achievement and how teachers support student curiosity. Learn more at: https://edspace.american.edu/edneurolab
- Dr. Laurie Bayet’s program of developmental research examines the mechanisms of high-level visual and socio-emotional perception in childhood and infancy, with faces and facial emotions as particular cases of interest. By bridging behavioral, neuroimaging (fNIRS, EEG), and computational methods, her lab seeks to build an integrated understanding of the critical experiences, neural pathways, and cognitive building blocks by which infants and young children learn to interpret their visual and social environment. Learn more at: http://www.bayetlab.com/
Position Announcement: Postdoctoral Fellows for Academic Diversity, College of Arts and Sciences, American University
The College of Arts and Sciences at American University is pleased to announce two Postdoctoral Fellowships for Academic Diversity to begin in Fall 2021. These positions are designed to support the development of early-career scholars who show promise of distinguished research careers and who are from sectors of the population historically underrepresented on the professorial faculties of U.S. colleges and universities.
The initial appointment is a 12-month term position and will commence on August 1, 2021, with the possibility of a one-year extension. Applicants should hold a PhD or other terminal degree in their discipline by their proposed start date. The position is open to all disciplines with priority given to STEM fields. The position will require the incumbent to conduct research with an AU faculty mentor or mentors, teach one course per Academic Year in their field and participate in School and University activities. Optionally, there will be zero courses in the second Academic Year for lab science fellows.
Salary is competitive and includes full health benefits. Fellows will also receive up to $3,000 in onetime start-up expenses and reimbursement for up to $2,000 per academic year in eligible research expenses.
Review of applications will begin immediately and will continue until the position is filled. Please submit applications via Interfolio: http://apply.interfolio.com/82854
Include a letter of application outlining the candidate’s research and teaching interests, a description of how the candidate proposes to work with one or more specific College faculty mentors(s) and/or research center(s), a current curriculum vitae, three letters of recommendation from scholars who know the candidate’s work well, recent teaching evaluations (when possible), and electronic copies of recently published papers or working papers. Candidates are not required to contact potential AU mentors in advance. The materials of competitive applicants will be forwarded to those collaborators following an initial review. Questions should be directed to Haely Jardas, Special Assistant to the Dean, at 202-885-2446 or hjardas@american.edu
American University is an equal opportunity, affirmative action institution that operates in compliance with applicable laws and regulations. The university does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, sex (including pregnancy), age, sexual orientation, disability, marital status, personal appearance, gender identity and expression, family responsibilities, political affiliation, source of income, veteran status, an individual’s genetic information or any other bases under federal or local laws (collectively “Protected Bases”) in its programs and activities. American University is a tobacco and smoke free campus.
Postdoctoral Position at Concordia University, Montreal
Postdoctoral Position at Concordia University, Montreal
The Cognitive and Language Development Laboratory at Concordia University in Montreal (https://www.concordia.ca/artsci/psychology/research/cognitive-language-development-lab.html) has a postdoctoral position to offer, starting in Summer or Fall 2021. The fellow will be expected to collaborate on research projects on the development of selective trust, theory of mind, bilingualism, and child-robot interactions in infancy and early childhood, with funding from SSHRC and NSERC. The depth of theory of mind in infancy is currently examined with conceptual replications of various paradigms, including violation of expectation, anticipatory looking, interactive, etc. Regarding selective trust, the lab examines developmental changes in the cognitive mechanisms involved in selective social learning. Research paradigms used in the lab include habituation, eye tracking, pupillometry, interactive lab-based tasks and parental reports. International collaborations with teams from US, Switzerland, Japan, and Germany are ongoing. Stipend is $50,00CDN/year, plus benefits.
The Postdoctoral Fellow must start his/her appointment by August 31st, 2021.
Please follow this link to learn more. https://www.concordia.ca/sgs/postdoctoral-fellows/funding/horizon/descriptions/8007.html
If you have any questions, please email the director of the lab, Dr. Diane Poulin-Dubois at diane.poulindubois@concordia.ca
Senior Social Science Researcher job posting for foundry10
Senior Social Science Researcher
Foundry10 is a philanthropic education research organization located in the University District neighborhood in Seattle. We work in collaboration with program developers and external partners to conduct research that expands how practitioners, communities, and other researchers think about learning. Foundry10 offers competitive salaries, benefits, and vacation time. This position is located in Seattle, WA and will require the candidate to work in the office when it is safe to do so.
Foundry10 is seeking a full-time social science researcher to join our expanding research team focused on supporting a variety of education programs and research projects. Senior Researchers have deep expertise in a few research methodologies (e.g., qualitative methods) or topics, which can serve as the basis for ongoing study and sharing. They are also experienced in a broad range of methodological/theoretical approaches and able to quickly learn about new types of research. As a social science researcher at foundry10, you will have a variety of opportunities including:
Develop generalizable research that is based on collaborations with program teams and outside partners as well as your own novel ideas and areas of expertise
Collaborate with program teams to design and carry out program evaluation efforts
Apply experience-based insights and research skills (e.g., data analysis techniques, knowledge of study design, visualizing and interpreting data) to innovative research
Oversee the execution of studies, to carry them out from conceptualization to final sharing
To be considered for this position, submit your resume or CV along with a cover letter explaining why this position in our company resonates with you to jobs@foundry10.org.
PhD in a social science field (e.g., education, psychology) preferred or masters degree in social science with a minimum of 5 years total experience as a lead researcher including masters program
Demonstrated experience in formulating research questions, designing multiple studies, seeing them through to completion, and publishing in peer-reviewed journals
Experience on a variety of projects with multiple stakeholders
Strong background in research ethics, particularly research ethics involving children and adolescents
Strong background in statistical software (e.g., R, SPSS)
Outstanding communication skills, both verbally and written, in interpersonal and research settings
Ability to work self-sufficiently and identify areas where processes could be improved
Ability to cross multiple subject areas and quickly gain a basic understanding of new areas
Research design and execution
Contribute to a multi-faceted approach that includes research studies, program design and implementation, and supporting educators that are taking an innovative approach to learning
Create a balanced portfolio of research that includes original research, deep research partnership collaborations with programs teams, and research that draws together threads and themes across programs
Develop interesting and important questions regarding education and experiences with learning
Facilitate collaboration with outside partners (e.g., educators, non-profit organizations) to design research
Gain background knowledge and expertise in other related/unrelated fields within the organization’s domains
Use both qualitative and quantitative methodologies and analysis strategies
Design surveys/program evaluations and remain fluent in existing methodologies/resources to streamline the research process
Employ a strong propensity to investigate topics and an ability to redirect/close off lines of inquiry not likely to result in useful findings
Sharing research findings
Develop depth in a specific subject area or construct, and share these findings with multiple stakeholders on an ongoing basis (e.g., research community, educators, families)
Work collaboratively with other teams to communicate actionable insights to various learning and research communities/fields as well as with lay-people in the educational community.
Interface with the Sharing Team to communicate research findings through a variety of formats such as White Papers, Brief Reports, videos, infographics, and social media
Represent the organization at conferences, within publications, and face-to-face with a variety of community partners
Take a leadership role in publishing peer-reviewed research in well-regarded journals in collaboration with colleagues on and off the research team
Research support and training
Actively read and engage with current research and bring new knowledge to the organization and their team as a result of engagement with relevant topics
Support colleagues in developing skills to understand what is valuable and impactful research
We’re interested in hearing from researchers with a wide range of experience, but we are particularly interested in applicants with backgrounds/experience in one or more of the following areas:
Education Research or Educational Psychology
Background in educational programs or schools
Background in social and emotional learning (SEL)
Foundry10 is committed to creating a diverse environment where everyone can bring their full selves to work. Employment decisions are based on merit and business needs. The organization strives to provide a work environment free from discrimination and harassment because of a protected characteristic. Foundry10 does not discriminate against employees or applicants based on race, color, creed, citizenship, status, national origin, ancestry, gender, genetic information, sexual orientation, gender expression or identity, age, religion, pregnancy or pregnancy-related condition, physical or mental disability, marital status, parental status, veteran status, political affiliation, or any other characteristic protected by law.
We are committed to providing reasonable accommodations to assist individuals with disabilities with the application and interviewing process as well as essential job functions. If you have questions about the accessibility of our office environment, please reach out to jobs@foundry10.org.
Post-doc position in Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience @ HSE University, Moscow, Russia
Fluent English is needed as research and other activities are conducted in English. Knowledge of Russian is not required.
Position announcement: https://iri.hse.ru/neuroscience2021
Please feel free to share this announcement to those who may be interested.
48-month full-time Postdoctoral Research Fellowship in Philosophy and Psychology at the University of Stirling (Deadline 17th January 2021)
The Faculty of Arts and Humanities at the University of Stirling, in cooperation with the Faculty of Natural Sciences, invites applications for a 48-month full-time Postdoctoral Research Fellowship in Philosophy and Psychology. The Fellow will work in collaboration with Dr. Giacomo Melis (Philosophy, Principal Investigator), Dr. Eva Rafetseder (Developmental Psychology, Co-Investigator) and Dr. Zsófia Virányi (Animal Cognition, Co-Investigator) of the Messerli Research Institute (University of Veterinary medicine, Vienna) on a multidisciplinary research project entitled ‘Agency, Rationality and Epistemic Defeat’ funded by the UKRI Future Leaders Fellowship scheme.
Interviews are expected to take place on Tuesday 16 February 2021
- visit https://www.stir.ac.uk/about/work-at-stirling/list/details/?jobId=2423&jobTitle=Postdoctoral%20Research%20Fellow%20in%20Philosophy%20and%20Psychology
- or contact the core team: Dr. Giacomo Melis, giacomo.melis1@stir.ac.uk (PI); Dr. Zsófia Virányi, Zsofia.Viranyi@vetmeduni.at.ac (Co-PI); Dr. Eva Rafetseder, eva.rafetseder@stir.ac.uk (Co-PI)