Author: Crystal Mills

Research Project Coordinator position at Children and Screens

Postdoctoral Project Coordinator

Organization: Children and Screens: Institute of Digital Media and Child Development

Title: Postdoctoral Project Coordinator

Location: Remote, United States

About the Position: Children and Screens: Institute of Digital Media and Child Development advances and supports interdisciplinary research, nurtures human capital in the field, informs and educates the public, and advocates for sound public policy for children growing up in the digital age.

Children and Screens seeksa highly-intelligent, experienced, self-motivated, and organized individual to join our staff as a Postdoctoral Project Coordinator. This position is a dynamic opportunity for a motivated professional to support Children and Screens’ mission to promote rigorous, objective research and an evidence-based national dialogue on the impact of digital media on children and adolescents.

The Postdoctoral Project Coordinator is accountable for the execution of Institute projects of varying size and complexity involving interdisciplinary dialogue, research, and public information within the field of media’s impact on child development. The scope bridges the medical, neuroscientific, social science, education and academic communities. In addition to carrying out important project tasks, the Postdoctoral Project Coordinator oversees five groups of interns working in Marketing, Policy, Communicating Science and Advancement to ensure that projects are being addressed and managed efficiently and in accordance with objectives set by the President of Children and Screens.


  •  Coordinating projects of different sizes (small/medium/large) through all project phases, including coordinating scientific research workgroups
  • Managing and mentoring Marketing, Policy, and Communicating Science interns and guiding intern activities and responsibilities
  • Collaborating with team members to ensure all pieces of the project adhere to the defined project objectives
  • Interfacing with various project stakeholders (clinicians, researchers, public health experts, etc.) and project sponsors on work progress
  • Researching scientific, medical, and educational literature relevant to Institute project materials and resources
  • Developing public information materials communicating project objectives
  • Ensuring that project meetings are scheduled, timely, and goal-oriented, with outputs

    documented, and keeping the projects moving on a day-to-day basis

  • Maintaining and monitoring project schedules, materials, information, and resources


The ideal candidate will possess the following qualifications:

  •  Ph.D. in Neuroscience, Pediatrics, Psychology, Science Journalism, Public Health, Science Policy or other related scientific fields required
  • Excellent written and verbal communication skills
  • Must be able to prioritize and multitask
  • Possesses a strong attention to detail and is highly organized
  • Must be able to work with a team and independently
  • Ability to adapt and desire to continuously learn new skills
  • Proficiency with Microsoft Word, Excel, and Powerpoint; Google Suite; Mac OS
  • Experience with WordPress and Video Editing is preferred though not required

To Apply


Applications will be considered on a rolling basis until the position is filled. To be considered, applicants must be authorized to work in the United States. To apply, applicants must email the following to

● A cover letter highlighting your educational experience and skills, along with an explanation of how this position will contribute to your professional goals;

● A resume, transcript and contact information for two academic or professional references. Unofficial transcripts and letters of recommendation rather than references are acceptable.

Children and Screens: Institute of Digital Media and Child Development is an equal opportunity employer and welcomes candidates from diverse backgrounds.

Post-doc: Development of emotional eating and interoception

One postdoc position is available to work with Dr Maria Laura Filippetti as part of the Academy of Medical Science project “The developmental mechanisms underlying emotional eating”. The postdoc will work on a novel approach that combines developmental cognitive neuroscience and embodied psychology to study emotional eating and interoceptive processing in the first years of life (please see job pack for details).

We are looking for a researcher with a PhD in psychology or neuroscience (or close to completion of PhD). Experience in working with developmental population and strong abilities in data analysis and programming are essential. Expertise in developmental neuroscience research is desirable. The preferred start date is Spring 2021 or as soon as can be arranged for up to 2 years. Applications should be submitted online (deadline 31 January). Informal enquiries may be made to Dr Maria Laura Filippetti at

The position will be based at the Department of Psychology, University of Essex. The department provides a stimulating and vibrant research environment designed to encourage and support individuals in crossing conventional disciplinary boundaries to collaborate in research. The postdoc will join the growing research team of the Essex Babylab, which is part of our Centre for Brain Science (CBS). The CBS is purpose-built to house state-of-the-art equipment that allows staff to directly measure and modulate brain activity, as well as a range of equipment to measure physiological response (e.g. EMG, EEG, heart rate, etc.).


Postdoctoral position at University of Surrey, UK: Open Research at the University of Surrey: designing, promoting, evaluating and publicising university open research initiatives

Open Research at the University of Surrey: designing, promoting, evaluating and publicising university open research initiatives.

Postdoctoral Research Fellow (1A)

Start date: 1st March 2021

End date: 31st July 2022
Primary work place: School of Psychology, University of Surrey, Guildford, Surrey GU2 7XH
Line manager & Principal Investigator: Prof. Emily Farran

The Project and the Role

Open Research refers to research which is practiced in a way that is suitably transparent for others to contribute and collaborate, and that enables research to be reproduced. This engenders research improvement. You will be part of a strong team of experts on Open Research (Academic Lead in Research Culture and Integrity and the library’s Open Research team). You will also be a key member of the Open Research Working Group whose aim is to advance open research practice across the University, with the goal of making the processes and products of research at the University of Surrey as transparent, accessible and reproducible as possible. Working closely with the Academic Lead in Research Culture and Integrity and the Open Research team, you will contribute to: promoting the socialisation of open research at Surrey; evaluating the embedding of open research practices at Surrey; engaging with stakeholders; and publicising our open research success. You will also contribute to report writing, presentations, publications (first author publications/ reports from metadata of our open research initiatives are envisaged), funding proposals and dissemination to non-academic audiences.

You will have a PhD or equivalent qualification (or will be close to finishing your PhD), have experience in open research practices, writing for publication, as well as experience of statistical analysis using statistical packages such as R or SPSS.

The University of Surrey

The University of Surrey is located on a beautiful, leafy campus in Guildford, just 30 miles from London and benefitting from excellent rail and road connections. We are an ambitious, research-led organization, committed to research excellence and to the application of our research for the benefit of society. The University of Surrey is amongst the highest achieving universities in the United Kingdom.

The University was among the first in the UK to adopt a formal open access policy in 2005. Since then, the University has been broadening the scope of openness through the governance and services of its Open Research team, which includes strategic steering of the Open Research agenda and support of Open Research in several areas, including open access, research data services, copyright, and bibliometrics.

As part of our commitment to a strong and healthy research and innovation culture, Emily Farran was appointed to the newly created role, Academic Lead in Research Culture and Integrity, in November 2019. Aligned with this, Surrey was one of the first Universities to join the UK Reproducibility Network (UKRN) in December 2019. As part of this national approach to creating a research environment in which research quality is incentivised, the University recently launched its Open Research Position Statement, which publicly supports the values of openness, transparency and reproducibility in research. This statement will help to raise awareness of the benefits of open research, and provides a framework for existing and future activities at the University.

In addition to your salary, you will receive pension contributions via the Universities Superannuation Scheme, a generous annual leave entitlement, an attractive research environment, and access to a variety of staff development opportunities. Our benefits package also includes an exclusive discounted membership package to the Surrey Sports Park and an on-site Nursery.

You are welcome to contact Prof. Emily Farran (, Dr. Christine Daoutis ( or Monserrat Rodriquez-Marquez ( if you would like further information or to discuss the post.

To apply use the link below:


48-month full-time PostDoc at the University of Stirling

Hi all,

The Faculty of Arts and Humanities at the University of Stirling, in cooperation with the Faculty of Natural Sciences, invites applications for a 48-month full-time Postdoctoral Research Fellowship in Philosophy and Psychology. The Fellow will work in collaboration with Dr. Giacomo Melis (Philosophy, Principal Investigator), Dr. Eva Rafetseder (Developmental Psychology, Co-Investigator) and Dr. Zsófia Virányi (Animal Cognition, Co-Investigator) of the Messerli Research Institute (University of Veterinary medicine, Vienna) on a multidisciplinary research project entitled ‘Agency, Rationality and Epistemic Defeat’ funded by the UKRI Future Leaders Fellowship scheme.

The project is articulated in a broadly philosophical and broadly empirical part, which will progress in parallel and will be driven by the interactive work of the core team. The more philosophical part will develop a theory of rational belief-revision that will apply to the various agents discussed in philosophy and cognitive science, and which will focus on the notion of epistemic defeat. The more empirical part will use such theory to design and run novel comparative cognitive tests on pre-verbal children, pigs, and dogs aimed at assessing whether they may be capable of some form of reflective thinking.
The closing date for applications is midnight on Sunday 17 January 2021
Interviews are expected to take place on Tuesday 16 February 2021
To apply, please send a covering letter and CV, as well as a brief description (no more than 1000 words) of your planned individual research and a sample of your recent written work to
For further information please:
Kind regards,
Eva Rafetseder

Postdoctoral Project Manager position at IoPPN, King’s College London

Post-Doctoral Research Associate – SPARK Project Manager

Job ID: 012084 Salary: £38,304 – £41,517 per annum, including London Weighting Allowance Posted: 15-Dec-2020 Closing date: 10-Jan-2021
Business unit: IoPPN Department: Psychology 

Contact details: Dr Rosa Hoekstra,
Guy’s Campus  

Job description

The post-holder will work on a 4-year NIHR-funded project entitled “SPARK: SuPporting African communities to increase the Resilience and mental health of Kids with developmental disorders and their caregivers”.
The SPARK project builds on previous research in Ethiopia (led by SPARK Co-PI Dr Rosa Hoekstra) and Kenya (led by SPARK Co-PI Prof Amina Abubakar) adapting and pilot testing a Caregiver Skills Training for parents of children with developmental disorders, developed by the World Health Organization.
SPARK aims to evaluate the effectiveness and cost effectiveness of the Caregiver Skills Training programme in improving the wellbeing and mental health of Ethiopian and Kenyan children with developmental disorders and their caregivers and to co-develop an integrated care model together with local communities, to promote identification and referral of children with developmental disorders, community-based support and inclusion.
SPARK will be conducted in four sites, spanning urban and rural Ethiopia and Kenya. The project comprises three phases: i) a pre-implementation phase in which a training package is developed to increase identification of children with developmental disorders in the community; ii) phase 1, in which the training package is implemented and evaluated, and site-specific integrated care models are developed; iii) phase 2, comprising a randomised controlled trial of the Caregiver Skills Training programme.

The post-holder will be based at the Institute of Psychology, Psychiatry & Neuroscience’s Department of Psychology and will have the opportunity to work with some of the world’s leading researchers in autism, global mental health and clinical trials research.

This is a full-time post and will be offered on a fixed-term contract for three years in the first instance with possibility of extension.

Key responsibilities

The post-holder will provide day-to-day management of the SPARK project, from development through trial management, to dissemination. They will collaborate closely with the Co-PIs and research coordinators and trial coordinators in Ethiopia and Kenya to ensure the smooth-running of the project. They will also be responsible for ethics submissions, report-writing and budget management, and develop documentation to ensuring the SPARK materials are harmonised across project sites. Moreover they will take the lead on aspects of the project that fit with their interests and experiences to analyse data, and with support from the Co-PIs and wider project team, will write academic papers from data generated at all stages of the project.

Skills, knowledge, and experience

Essential criteria

  • PhD awarded or PhD thesis submitted in a field related to Psychology, Mental Health or Global Health;
  • Previous experience in the management of research projects, including
    research design, data collection and data analysis;
  • Advanced research skills, supported by peer-reviewed publications and/or reports;
  • Advanced knowledge of research relating to global mental health, global child development, global disability, global child health and/or developmental disorders;
  • Excellent research-related IT skills: word processing, reference management, packages to support data analysis (e.g. SPSS, Stata, NVivo) and an aptitude for learning new IT packages;
  • Excellent organisational and decision-making skills;
  • Ability to work effectively and communicate with collaborators from a range of disciplines and cultural backgrounds;
  • Ability to work as part of a team with staff at all levels and with a variety of stakeholders;
  • Flexible, committed, reliable and enthusiastic approach to work;
  • Accuracy and attention to detail;
  • Willingness and ability to travel to project sites in Ethiopia and Kenya once or twice a year.

Desirable criteria

  • Qualification and/or relevant training in clinical trials or project management;
  • Experience working on international projects;
  • Previous experience working or living in a low or middle-income context, preferably in Africa;
  • Practical experience of monitoring and managing budgets, as well as producing financial reports.

Please note that this is a PhD level role but candidates who have submitted their thesis and are awaiting award of their PhDs will be considered. In these circumstances the appointment will be made at Grade 5, spine point 30 with the title of Research Assistant. Upon confirmation of the award of the PhD, the job title will become Research Associate and the salary will increase to Grade 6.

Further information

In your application, please include

  • Details of your qualifications (you will need to attach copies)
  • A copy of your CV (please include this as an attachment)
  • A motivation letter describing your interests, why you wish to apply for this post, and how your previous research experience and skills fit with the post advertised. Please include this as an attachment rather than using the text box.

Shortlisted candidates will be asked to complete a short writing task and will be invited to a panel interview held on 29 January 2021.

Postdoctoral position at University of Surrey, UK: LEGO® construction, Spatial thinking and Mathematics achievement

LEGO® construction, Spatial thinking and Mathematics achievement

Postdoctoral Research Fellow (1A)

Start date: 1st March 2021

End date: 26th July 2022
Primary work place: School of Psychology, University of Surrey, Guildford, Surrey GU2 7XH
Line manager & Principal Investigator: Prof. Emily Farran

The Project and the Role

You will work on a project detailing the relationship between spatial ability and mathematical cognition in primary school children. The project aims to identify: 1) the mechanisms underlying the relationship between LEGO® construction abilities and mathematics; 2) whether this differs for physical vs. digital Lego; 3) whether both physical Lego and digital Lego construction activities can be used to improve spatial abilities and measure the impact that this has on mathematics ability. You will be part of a strong team of experts in spatial cognition and mathematical cognition. You will recruit primary schools, and children, to be involved in the project and work with a graduate research assistant to administer a battery of spatial and mathematical tasks to participating children. You will be responsible for data coding and initial analyses of the data. You will also contribute to report writing, presentations, publications and dissemination to non-academic audiences.

You will have a PhD or equivalent qualification in Psychology or a related subject (or will be close to finishing your PhD), have experience in conducting cognitive behavioural studies and standard data coding as well as experience of statistical analysis using statistical packages such as R or SPSS.

The University of Surrey

The post-holder will be based in the School of Psychology at the University of Surrey. The University of Surrey is located on a beautiful, leafy campus in Guildford, just 30 miles from London and benefitting from excellent rail and road connections. We are an ambitious, research-led organization, committed to research excellence and to the application of our research for the benefit of society. The University of Surrey is amongst the highest achieving universities in the United Kingdom. The School of Psychology has a long-standing reputation for its vibrant and supportive research and teaching environment. The School of Psychology has a long-standing reputation for its vibrant and supportive research and teaching environment. The School has a strong track record of innovation in Psychology, from the discovery of the McGurk effect, to changing educational approaches to national identity, and the ongoing development of mobile neuro-assessment. The School currently houses 500+ UG students, 100+ Masters and 150+ taught Doctorate and PhD students and more than 70 staff.

In addition to your salary, you will receive pension contributions via the Universities Superannuation Scheme, a generous annual leave entitlement, an attractive research environment, and access to a variety of staff development opportunities. Our benefits package also includes an exclusive discounted membership package to the Surrey Sports Park and an on-site Nursery.

You are welcome to contact Prof. Emily Farran (, Dr. Camilla Gilmore ( or Dr. Katie Gilligan-Lee ( if you would like further information or to discuss the post.

To apply use the link below:

Post Doc University of Alabama

The Department of Psychology and College of Arts & Sciences at the University of Alabama is currently inviting applications for the Dean’s Postdoctoral Research Associate positions. 

The Dean’s Postdoctoral Research Associate positions have been established through a major College initiative begun in 2019 to promote an inclusive scholarly environment in which outstanding scholars support the advancement of diversity, equity, and inclusion in the College. We particularly welcome applications from scholars who are from populations historically underrepresented in the academy and/or who have experience working with diverse populations. 

This position is unique in several ways: 

  1. This position allows for an individual to complete a 1- to 2-year postdoc appointment with a tenure-track position salary. 
  2. As a research postdoc, there is no requirement or expectation for teaching in this position unless the person wants to teach. This allows time for the further development of the individual’s research program. 
  3. The goal of this position is to transition successful candidates into tenure-track positions at The University of Alabama. 

I have attached a description of the position, and more information can be found here. 

Review of applications will begin January 1, 2021, and I am hoping you will pass this information along to anyone who you think might be a good candidate for this position. 

Ansley Gilpin, Ph.D. | Associate Professor

Director of Experimental Psychology

Center for Youth Development and Intervention (CYDI)

Department of Psychology

Director of K.I.D. Lab

The University of Alabama

Box 870348 Tuscaloosa, AL 35487 Phone 205-348-2956 |

Postdoctoral position at MPI for Psycholinguistics: Data analysis and statistical modelling

We (i.e. the Language Development Dept at the MPI for Psycholinguistics in the Netherlands) are looking for a postdoctoral researcher to act as a design and statistics consultant to the department’s research projects (2 days per week), and as a project leader on one of the department’s new projects: Mechanisms of individual differences in language development (3 days per week). This is a 5 year post.

Details are in the advert here:

Plesae share with your networks and point out to anyone you know who may be interested.

You can find out more about us here:

Postdoctoral position in developmental behaviour genetics (Sweden)

Dear Colleagues,

We welcome applications for a 2 year fully funded postdoctoral position in developmental behaviour genetics at the Development and Neurodiversity Lab ( at the department of psychology, Uppsala University (Sweden).

This position is tied to the BABYTWINS study, in which we assess brain (EEG) and behavior (including eye movements) in 5 month old twins who are subsequently followed to the age of three years of age (n = 620 infants). The 5-month and 14-month data collection in the BABYTWINS study, which is unique of its kind in the world, is completed. BABYTWINS is led by Professor Terje Falck-Ytter in collaboration with Professor Angelica Ronald (Birkbeck, University of London). The postdoc will be supervised by Falck-Ytter and Ronald.

A key aim is to understand etiological factors behind early brain and behavioral processes that predict later variability in domains such as language, social-communication and behavioral flexibility.  This aim will be realized through structural equation twin model-fitting analyses of these newly acquired twin data.  

The successful candidate will be responsible for leading analyses for publication in peer reviewed journals, in collaboration with the project team. The candidate will also have the opportunity to gain experience in training PhD students and contributing to grant writing activities. As such, the position provides an excellent opportunity for transition to career independence. The post-doctoral fellow will benefit from a fund of 5 000 EUR per annum for books, conference attendance, training courses, and other eligible academic activities. The student will also have the opportunity to conduct research visits to the Genes Environment Lifespan laboratory at the Centre for Brain and Cognitive Development at Birkbeck, University of London.

Apply here:

Best regards

Terje Falck-Ytter

Postdoctoral Position at Purdue

Postdoctoral position in Human Development and Family Studies at Purdue University 

Dr. David Purpura is seeking to hire a postdoctoral researcher to collaborate on a project called My Math Stories: Taking My Place in Our Mathematical World. This is a multi-university project to design and evaluate a curriculum overlay to support ethnoculturally and linguistically diverse 3rd/4th grade students’ mathematics, executive functioning, and math self-efficacy. The position is for up to two years depending on performance.

Responsibilities may include: project development, data management, manuscript preparation, design and evaluation of the project, mentorship of research assistants, presentation of findings, and administration of coding schemes for video recordings.

Required Qualifications
•    PhD in Education, Psychology, Human Development, or related field completed by the start of the employment
•    Background expertise in child development, elementary school mathematics, executive function, equity, and/or educational disparities
•    Strong research and analytic skills

Additional Desired Qualifications
•    Ability to work collaboratively with a research team
•    Experience developing or implementing interventions with schools or families

Start date is negotiable, but preferred start is no later than August 16th, 2021.

Review of applications will begin February 1, 2021 and will continue until the position is filled. Please submit a cover letter that describes your interests and fit with the position, CV, a scholarly writing sample, and names and contact information of three references. Questions can be directed to Dr. David Purpura (

Purdue University is an EOE/AA employer. All individuals, including minorities, women, individuals with disabilities, and veterans are encouraged to apply. A background check will be required for employment in this position.