Postdoc position @NYU

We are looking to hire a postdoc to co-develop,  implement, and conduct research on mindHIVE, a crowdsourcing citizen science platform for brain and behavior research. 

The ideal candidate has experience in Educational Technology and experience working with(in) the US public school system. Candidates with experience in software development are especially encouraged to apply.
About mindHIVE
mindHIVE is a crowdsourcing citizen science platform for human brain and behavior research for (a) teachers and students who seek authentic research experiences, and (b) psychologists and neuroscientist who seek to address research questions outside of the lab. mindHIVE is funded through the NSF DRK-12 program.
Team and affiliates
Camillia Matuk (NYU Steinhardt), Suzanne Dikker (NYU Psychology), Ido Davidesco (NYU Steinhardt), Yury Shevchenko (University of Konstanz), Kim Burgas (UX designer), Robb Rutledge (Yale), and others.
Ido Davidesco, Ph.D.
Research Assistant Professor
Department of Teaching and Learning & Department of Psychology
New York University