Save the Date: IBACS Meet & Speak on 4/28

We are asking you to save the date for the 2023 IBACS Meet & Speak event on Friday, April 28th from 9-4:30pm. This exciting event will be in-person in Konover Auditorium. 


Affiliated faculty will give 10-minute talks, most of which are on the research they have carried out, or propose carrying out, with seed funding awarded by IBACS. Affiliated graduate students who have received IBACS funding will present 5-minute “datablitz” style talks. 


The event will provide an opportunity to learn more about the diverse interdisciplinary research of IBACS affiliates, provide a forum for cross-disciplinary networking, and will introduce our refurbished EEG Lab and our new UConn Science Alliance Mobile (SAM)! 



9:15AM – Welcome

9:30AM – Panel Discussion

10:15AM – Faculty Talks

11:25AM – Graduate Student Data Blitz

12:00PM – Lunch 

1:00PM – Keynote Speaker: Dr. Diego Bohorquez, Duke University

2:30PM to 4:30PM – Tours of the UConn Science Alliance Mobile (UConn SAM) and EEG Lab


A more detailed program including speaker names, talk titles, and the focus of the panel discussion will be shared soon. 

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