T32 Post-doc Opportunity

UNC T32 Post-Doctoral Research Training Program – 2020 

The University of North Carolina is recruiting for a two-year post-doctoral fellowship position to conduct research on the early brain and behavior development in autism, Fragile X Syndrome, Down Syndrome, Angelman Syndrome, and other neurodevelopmental disorders. Prospective applicants would work with a collaborative team of faculty mentors at UNC that include Joe Piven, Heather Hazlett, Martin Styner, and Mark Shen. This research group is part of the Autism Center of Excellence (ACE) – Infant Brain Imaging Study (IBIS) Network. Extensive opportunities exist with IBIS Network collaborator sites around the United States. Competitive applicants will have a Ph.D. or M.D. and a background in at least one of the following: neuroimaging, neurodevelopmental disorders, and early development. Post-doctoral fellows will be part of an inter-disciplinary NIH T32 research training program in neurodevelopmental disorders at the Carolina Institute for Developmental Disabilities. This T32 post-doctoral research training program begins in July 2020: positions are for two years (pending successful review during the first year), and stipend levels follow NIH guidelines. NIH-funded T32 postdoctoral positions are restricted to U.S. citizens and permanent residents only. 

How to Apply / Contact
Deadline for applications is April 1, 2020. Additional information on the program can be found at http://www.cidd.unc.edu/education/default.aspx?id=19. Interested individuals are encouraged to contact Joseph Piven, M.D. at jpiven@med.unc.edu

Postdoctoral Research Scholar Position at Rutgers University—Newark

Postdoctoral Research Scholar Position at Rutgers University—Newark

The Child Study Center at Rutgers University-Newark, (http://www.childstudycenter-rutgers.com/) directed by Dr. Vanessa LoBue seeks a Postdoctoral Scholar. Start date of June 2020 is highly desirable.  

The postdoctoral scholar will have the opportunity to work on a 5-year NIMH-funded study investigating the developmental trajectories of attention biases to emotional stimuli and negative affect in infancy, with a focus on risk for anxiety. The study has three data collection sites—Penn State, University Park (PI Koraly Perez-Edgar); Penn State-PACT in Harrisburg, PA (PI Kristin Buss); and the Child Study Center at Rutgers University, Newark led by Dr. Vanessa LoBue. The postdoctoral scholar will have his or her main hub at Rutgers-Newark, but will interact extensively with all three sites and all three PI’s. The study incorporates a number of techniques, including electrophysiology (EEG & ERP), psychophysiology (RSA), eye-tracking, direct behavioral observation, and questionnaires.

The postdoctoral scholar will primarily be responsible for collecting and analyzing electrophysiological and behavioral data and writing scientific papers and presentations. Other duties will include working with research assistants and graduate and undergraduate students.

Position qualifications include a Ph.D. in psychology, neuroscience, or a related field; experience with EEG acquisition and analysis; strong experimental and statistical skills; ability to work independently and in a team environment on multiple tasks and projects and to share one’s expertise with others. Experience with data collection platforms (e.g., BrainVision, Mindware, SMI), programming tasks (E-prime, Presentation), statistical analysis (R, SPSS, SAS) and general computing (MATLAB, Unix, Python) is highly desired. Excellent scientific writing skills are also desired.

Submit a letter of research interests, a CV, and contact information for three references to vlobue@psychology.rutgers.edu. Review of applications will begin immediately and continue until the position is filled. Salary will conform to NIH guidelines. This is a fixed-term appointment funded for one year from date of hire with possibility of re-funding.

Vanessa LoBue, Associate Professor
Graduate Program Director
Department of Psychology
Rutgers University
Smith Hall, Room 341
101 Warren Street, Newark, NJ 07102
Office: 973-353-3950
Lab: 973-353-3938

Postdoc position at Harvard Music Lab

CALL FOR APPLICATIONS: Postdoc at Harvard Music Lab
The Harvard Music Lab (PI Samuel Mehr) is hiring a postdoctoral fellow to lead and collaborate on studies of music perception and cognition via a range of methods, including web-based citizen science; developmental, cross-cultural, and cognitive psychology; data science; and computational modeling. Candidates can learn more about our research at http://themusiclab.org.
Applicants should have a strong publication record in any area of the cognitive sciences; experience in the psychology or neuroscience of music, audition, perception, and so on is strongly preferred. Advanced analytic skills are essential (R, Stata, Python preferred) and web development experience, or a demonstrated ability to learn new development skills quickly, is a priority (javascript, React, CSS, AWS, SQL). Applicants should provide concrete examples of their technical skills.

This is a one-year NIH-funded position with the potential for renewal. Dedicated funds for research and conference travel are available. Please see NIH policy for salary guidelines. The planned start date is 1 August 2020. Please apply by 15 March at tinyurl.com/musiclabpostdoc. We will review applications until the position is filled.

Harvard University is an equal opportunity employer and all qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, religion, sex, national origin, disability status, protected veteran status, gender identity, sexual orientation, pregnancy and pregnancy-related conditions or any other characteristic protected by law.

Postdoc: Social Communication in Toddlers with Autism

Postdoctoral Research Fellow: Social Communication in Toddlers with Autism

Postdoctoral research fellow position in the Vanderbilt Music Cognition Lab (https://www.vumc.org/music-cognition-lab/) for projects into social engagement and social communication in young children with and without ASD. The fellow will develop and carryout federally-funded research assessing rhythm of social interaction and communication in young children and parents. Candidates should be interested in social or language development and have strong data analysis and organizational skills. Ongoing studies use a variety of behavioral and social neuroscience methods (e.g., eye-tracking, acoustics, movement coordination, standardized assessments, behavior/language coding).  Training opportunities and projects will be individualized to fellow’s career goals. Candidates may come from a variety of disciplines including but not limited to psychology, speech sciences, or neuroscience.

For applicants with clinically-oriented backgrounds/interests (e.g., clinical psychology, speech-language pathology), optional opportunities available to conduct clinical assessments or evidence-based interventions for toddlers with ASD participating in the research studies.

Candidates should send a CV, cover letter, references, and sample publication reprint(s) to Dr. Miriam Lense (Miriam.Lense@vanderbilt.edu). Applications considered on a rolling basis.

The Vanderbilt Music Cognition Lab is an interdisciplinary team including clinical psychologists, speech-language pathologists, neuroscientists, and speech scientists. The candidate will work with Research Analysts, graduate, and undergraduate students from a variety of disciplines. Our collaborative relationships on campus include partnerships with Vanderbilt Kennedy Center/Treatment and Research Institute for Autism Spectrum Disorder; Vanderbilt Brain Institute; and The Curb Center for Art, Enterprise, and Public Policy at Vanderbilt. We are a diverse lab and welcome applications from all individuals, including those from underrepresented groups in science. 

Post-doctoral Research Position – Development of Communication

Job Advertisement: Post-doctoral Research Position available in Development of Communication

A Post-doctoral research position is available for two years (extension negotiable) in the Comparative BioCognition (CBC) Research Group at the University of Osnabrück, Germany. The project will investigate the development of turn-taking in human children (0-6 years) with a special focus on production and comprehension.  The project is funded by the European Research Council and involves both primary research to be conducted in the child lab at the CBC,  as well as the opportunity to work along side the PI in larger-scale project management (with planned comparisons in other primate species).  Primary research will involve conducting and coordinating research involving naturalistic observations and behavioural experiments (eyetracking, pupillometry) and the use of statistical modelling (LMM and GLMM).
I would be very grateful if you can please share widely.
Please contact me if you have any questions: spika@uos.de
Thanks a lot,
Prof. Dr. Simone Pika
room: 68/E02
phone: +49 (0) 541 969- 2721 

Co-director, Loango Chimpanzee Project, Gabon

Comparative BioCognition (CBC)
Institute of Cognitive Science, University of Osnabrück
Artilleriestrasse 34, 49076 Osnabrück, Germany

Post-doc Research Position – Cross-cultural Developmental Psychology

Job Advertisement: Post-doctoral Research Position available in Cross-cultural Development of Empathy

A Post-doctoral Research Associate position available for up to 36 months in the Psychology Department at Durham University, UK to investigate the cross-cultural development of empathy in human infants.  The project is funded by the European Research Council and involves both primary research to be conducted in Samoa and the UK as well as the opportunity to work along side the PI in larger-scale project management (with planned comparisons at multiple cross-cultural sites).  Primary research will involve conducting and coordinating research involving naturalistic observations and behavioural experiments, including eyetracking and psycho-physical measures. Please see the below advertisement for more information. I am very happy to field questions or enquiries from potentially interested candidates: zanna.e.clay@durham.ac.uk
I would be very grateful if you can please share widely
best wishes
Zanna Clay
Associate Professor, Department of Psychology, Durham University

Zanna Clay, PhD

Department of Psychology
Durham University
South Rd, Durham

Phone: 0191 334 9114
Twitter: @zannaclay

Research postdoctoral position at CADB

Research Postdoctoral fellowship at the ASD & Developmental Science Lab

(PI: Kim), Center for Autism and the Developing Brain (CADB)
at Weill Cornell Medicine


Weill Cornell Medicine is seeking candidates for a two-year postdoctoral research fellowship beginning July, 2020 and based at the Center for Autism and the Developing Brain (CADB). CADB is a state-of-the art clinical and research program and a collaborative program of NewYork-Presbyterian, Weill Cornell Medicine, and Columbia Vagelos College of Physicians and Surgeons and in partnership with NEXT for Autism.  CADB is located on the campus of New York-Presbyterian Westchester Behavioral Health Center in White Plains, New York. The Center provides comprehensive assessment and clinical services for hundreds of patients annually.


The Research Postdoctoral Fellow will work under the supervision and mentorship of Dr. So Hyun “Sophy” Kim, to support NIH-funded projects examining early behavioral features and trajectories of with autism spectrum disorders (ASD) and developing early intervention programs, as well as an EEG/ERP study examining neural correlates of executive function and school readiness in children ASD at CADB’s ASD & Developmental Science Lab (PI: Kim). Responsibilities will include data collection, preparation of manuscripts and grant applications, and training research assistants. The Fellow will have opportunities for clinical training under the supervision of licensed clinicians.


The ideal candidate will be interested in pursuing an academic career as a clinical researcher. To support career development in research, the Fellow will receive protected research time and grant-writing mentorship. The Fellow will have an option to accrue clinical hours for their New York State Psychology license by delivering interventions (e.g., naturalistic developmental behavioral interventions in preschool classroom setting) and/or diagnostic and developmental assessments.


Applicants should have earned a Ph.D. in clinical psychology or other related disciplines (e.g., developmental psychology, developmental neuroscience). Applicants who are completing the APA accredited internship and are eligible for a New York State limited permit or license are preferred.


The stipend is competitive with health benefits and vacation. Position will start in July, 2020. Interested applicants should email a CV and statement of interest to Dr. Sophy Kim at sok2015@med.cornell.edu. Application deadline: February 7th, 2020.


So Hyun “Sophy” Kim, Ph.D
Assistant Professor, Weill Cornell Medical College
Center for Autism and the Developing Brain
New York Presbyterian/Westchester Division
21 Bloomingdale Road
White Plains, NY 10605

Postdoc position in Psychology of Language

The Psychology of Language Group at Georg-August University Göttingen invites applications for a postdoctoral researcher position (all genders welcome; 100%; TV-L 13). The Research Group examines the mechanisms underlying infants’ language acquisition and language processing. Researchers working within the group have varied interests including topics such as curiosity-driven approaches to word learning, selective attention in early language acquisition, the interaction between visual and social cues in language processing. 

Candidates should hold a doctorate in Psychology, Linguistics, Cognitive Science or related fields. The candidate is expected to develop their own project together with the PI within the framework of the group’s research interests.  Excellent statistical skills including proficiency in R or other programming languages are a requirement for the position. Other requirements include excellent communication skills, an interest in experimental psycholinguistic research and a commitment to interdisciplinary research. Candidates with previous experience in experimental studies with young children using eye-tracking data are especially encouraged to apply. The working language of the group is English and applicants from outside Germany are encouraged to apply.

The position is available for three years starting as early as 1st April 2020, with a possibility of extension for a further three years.

The University of Göttingen is an equal opportunities employer and places particular emphasis on fostering career opportunities for women. Qualified women are therefore strongly encouraged to apply in fields in which they are underrepresented. The university has committed itself to being a family-friendly institution and supports their employees in balancing work and family life.The mission of the University is to employ a greater number of severely disabled persons. Applications from severely disabled persons with equivalent qualifications will be given preference.

Please send your application with the usual documents (CV, motivation letter and email addresses of two referees) in electronic form by 28th February, 2020 to Nivedita Mani (nmani@gwdg.de).

For further information please visit our website (https://www.psych.uni-goettingen.de/en/lang) or contact Nivedita Mani at the email address given above.

Please note:

With submission of your application, you accept the processing of your applicant data in terms of data-protection law. Further information on the legal basis and data usage is provided in the Hinweisblatt zur Datenschutzgrundverordnung (DSGVO) https://www.uni-goettingen.de/hinweisdsgvo

Research Partnerships Manager at the Character Lab

Character Lab is a nonprofit devoted to advancing the science and practice of character development. All of the job details are listed below and the link to the job can be found here: https://characterlab.janehires.com/Jobs/0OFH35iGHkGIJEsetJfldg
Position: Research Partnerships Manager
Company: Character Lab
Name of Supervisor: Emma Satlof-Bedrick
Closing Date: Until Filled

Character Lab is looking for a Research Partnerships Manager. Reporting to the Director of Research Partnerships, they will support Character Lab Research Network’s (CLRN) data management and liaise with both external and internal partners to develop efficient systems for collecting and disseminating research data. They will also prepare and manage communications regarding research projects on the network, ensure project timelines are met, manage Character Lab’s open science initiatives such as coordinating preregistration, and manage Character Lab’s internal research.  The Research Partnerships Manager will ensure that data management is running smoothly for our partner school districts and research collaborators. This person will come into a role where they can combine their passion for research and education with their skills in project management and communication.

We are looking for an individual who has hands-on experience with research, data collection and data management. To thrive within our small and dynamic team, the individual must be capable of juggling multiple projects at once, embracing time management, and spotting areas to improve process inefficiencies.

About Character Lab

Founded in 2013 by two educators (Dave Levin and Dominic Randolph) and one scientist (Angela Duckworth), Character Lab is a nonprofit dedicated to advancing scientific insights that help kids thrive. By connecting researchers with educators, Character Lab seeks to create greater knowledge about the conditions that lead to social, emotional, academic, and physical well-being for young people throughout the country. To learn more, go to www.characterlab.org.

Research suggests that character encompasses a multitude of strengths that can be organized into three dimensions: strengths of heart (interpersonal), like gratitude, enable harmonious relationships with other people; strengths of will(intrapersonal), like grit and self-control, enable achievement; and strengths of mind (intellectual), like curiosity, enable independent thinking.

Our culture is both challenging (we’re never done improving) and supportive (one of our core values is excessive generosity). We are a small team working under one roof.

Key Responsibilities

  • Liaising between researchers and school district data teams
  • Managing external vendor relationships, including an external data processing organization
  • Creating operational procedures for data management
  • Facilitating the work of top tier scientists
  • Ensuring quality communication and strong relationships with researchers
  • Coordinating data collections with schools/districts
  • Managing IRB protocols and grant proposals
  • Manage open science initiatives
  • Preparing and managing communications regarding research projects
  • Identifying opportunities for increased efficiency
  • Maintaining attention to detail and accuracy in all tasks

Job Requirements

  • Bachelor’s in Psychology, Education, Statistics, Economics or a related social sciences field, Master’s preferred
  • 5+ years work experience
  • Significant experience in social science research, with a strong passion for education; prior experience working in education a plus but not required
  • Prior experience with data management
  • Prior experience managing external vendors or consultants a plus
  • Excellent project and time management skills
  • Proficiency in at least one programming language a plus (Python, Matlab, Stata, C#, and/or R)
  • A high level of thoroughness and attention to detail, in order to maintain our high quality of work
  • Fierce work ethic and sense of purpose, with the ability to work well as part of a dynamic start-up
  • Highly effective interpersonal communication, collaboration, and writing skills

Physical Demands/Environmental Factors
Prolonged and irregular hours of duty, as necessary

Some light to medium level of manual labor (e.g., preparing mailings, moving boxes of materials)

Thank you and please let me know if you need anything else!
Hiring Specialist, Character Lab

Postdoctoral Position – Wesleyan University

Postdoctoral Position in Developmental/Cognitive Psychology

Wesleyan University
Middletown, CT, USA
A 2-year postdoctoral research fellowship is available in the Cognitive Development Labs at Wesleyan University (PIs: Dr. Anna Shusterman and Dr. Hilary Barth). We seek an outstanding scientist with expertise in mathematical cognition and development. Particular areas of interest include but are not limited to: early acquisition of number language and concepts in toddlers and preschoolers, translation of research to applied settings, development of spatial cognition, the role of numerical cognition in decisions. The postdoctoral fellow will work collaboratively with both labs and will receive support in the development of an independent research program. The position includes teaching one undergraduate seminar per year in an area of the fellow’s interest and mentoring exceptional undergraduates involved in research. Minimum requirements: Ph.D. in developmental psychology, cognitive psychology, or a related field; experience working with children in an experimental research setting; strong organizational, time management, and oral/written communication skills; strong statistical and data analytic skills. Wesleyan is a selective liberal arts institution with faculty engaged in well-funded and cutting-edge research. Wesleyan University is located in Middletown, CT and does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religious creed, age, gender, gender identity or expression, national origin, marital status, ancestry, present or past history of mental disorder, learning disability or physical disability, political belief, veteran status, sexual orientation, genetic information, or non-position-related criminal record. We welcome applications from women, and historically underrepresented minority groups. To apply, please visit https://careers.wesleyan.edu/postings/7220. The position is expected to begin on or after July 1, 2020. Applications will be considered on a rolling basis. Applications received by March 1, 2020 will be given full consideration.
Hilary Barth, Ph.D.
Professor of Psychology
Wesleyan University
Middletown, CT 06459-0408
E-mail:  hbarth@wesleyan.edu
Phone: (860) 685-2468
Faculty page: http://hbarth.faculty.wesleyan.edu/
Lab page: http://www.wesleyan.edu/cdl