12/8 – Psychosis as a window on perception and belief

The Cognitive Science Colloquium Series presents:

Friday, December 1
Oak 109

Phil Corlett, Assistant Professor of Psychiatry at Yale University will present a lecture on:

Psychosis as a window on perception and belief

Psychosis has many causes but is generally defined in terms of conscious experiences of the world, and of oneself, that deviate appreciably from consensual reality. It may be useful to break it down into its component symptoms of anomalous perceptions (“hallucinations”) and bizarre and inexplicable beliefs (“delusions”). A major challenge in developing a comprehensive and coherent understanding of psychosis is to characterize the nature of disturbances that may give rise both to a profoundly altered experience and understanding of the world and to an impairment in one’s capacity to sample and use evidence in order to optimize inferences. I will argue that these symptoms both entail devising a world model that accounts for one’s reality. I will explore the degree to which developing our understanding of the brain as a predictive inference device can provide a powerful explanatory framework within which to understand the disruptions in conscious experience of the world that characterize psychosis, from fundamental and pervasive perturbations in interoception, exteroception, self perception to wider disruptions in how one infers the contents of other minds. Moreover, by refining our understanding of how these disturbances may occur, we gain valuable insights to how the brain generates our experiences more generally.


Summer Internship Opportunity at Boston College

*Summer Internship at the Language Learning Lab*

The Language Learning Lab at Boston College (L3@BC), directed by Dr. Joshua
Hartshorne, is seeking undergraduate research assistants for Summer 2018.
Students who desire more research experience and seek opportunities to
contribute to various stages of the scientific process are encouraged to
apply here.

Application deadline is February 1, 2018.


*Internship details:*

– The program will last 10 weeks (tentatively June 11 – August 17).
– The position is full-time (up to a 40 hour work week).
– The lab is located on the main campus of Boston College, which allows
full access to the many opportunities in the city of Boston.
– This is a paid position. Each intern will receive a stipend for the
summer ($11/hour).


– Students should be current undergraduate students with a major in
Psychology, Computer Science, or a related field.
– Preference will be given to applicants with previous research
experience and experience with children.


You can find more information about the position here.
Please contact the lab manager
<skorb@bc.edu> with any questions.

Call for Applications: IBACS’ Summer Graduate Fellowships


The Connecticut Institute for the Brain and Cognitive Sciences (CT IBACS) is inviting applications to its Graduate Fellowship Program.

These 3-month fully funded summer fellowships are intended for graduate students working on topics with relevance (broadly construed) to the Brain and Cognitive Sciences. IBACS Graduate Fellows attend a short grant-writing workshop at the start of the summer period (May 14 & 16, 2018), and will be expected to submit an application to the NSF GRFP, NRSA (pre- or post-doctoral fellowship), or equivalent, in the Fall.

Deadline for receipt of applications is December 8th.

Graduate students who are not US citizens are eligible to apply, and are expected to work with their advisor to develop an external research proposal if they are not eligible for graduate fellowships. Students who were fellows in 2016 or 2017 may apply if they submitted the external grant proposal they developed last year and it was not funded, with the expectation that they will revise their previous grant or develop a new one.

Please refer to the full details here.

Boston College Lab Manager opportunity – Language Learning Lab


Boston College

Lab Manager Position

Language Learning Lab 

The Language Learning Laboratory at Boston College, directed by Dr. Joshua
Hartshorne, invites applications for full-time research assistants. Our
research sits at the intersection between linguistics, neuroscience,
artificial intelligence, and psychology. Our strategy is to leverage new
and emerging technologies to address previously unanswerable scientific
questions. This includes massive crowdsourcing efforts (our website,
gameswithwords.org, has been visited by over 2,000,000 volunteer

The only requirements for this position are a bachelor’s degree or
equivalent (in hand by start date), diligence, and the ability to work in
teams. However, valuable skills and experiences include: prior research
experience, training in linguistics, knowledge of non-English languages,
computer programming or statistical skills, and experience with science
outreach and public engagement. Lab managers will be engaged primarily in
research or in administration and project management, depending on
interests and abilities.

You can learn more about this position at http://l3atbc.org/PostBac.html

Review will begin on 11/15/2017 and continue until the position is filled.

All questions can be directed to info@l3atbc.org.

Boston University – T32 Post Doc Fellowship in Communication Sciences and Disorders

Boston University is accepting applications for an immediate opening in their T32 fellowship program. Please contact Professor Tager-Flusberg (below) for information and application procedures.

Helen Tager-Flusberg, PhD
Professor, Psychological & Brain Sciences
Director, Center for Autism Research Excellence

Call for Abstracts: Emotions and Expressions

Dear all, please see below the call for abstracts for an upcoming ECOM workshop here at UConn. We encourage submissions from interested UConn community members as well as external researchers.

The Expression, Communication, and Origins of Meaning (ECOM) Research Group is pleased to announce that it will be hosting its fifth interdisciplinary workshop this April, entitled “Emotions and Expressions”, to be held April 20-21, 2018 at the University of Connecticut.

This workshop brings together researchers who are currently working on the nature of emotions and their development, as well as their social and moral significance, and the varieties of emotion expressions – linguistic and nonlinguistic, in both humans and nonhuman animals.These topics lie at the intersection of several fields: philosophy, psychology, linguistics, communication studies, ethology, and neuroscience. Discussing these issues could benefit from productive interdisciplinary exchange – to which we hope to contribute with this workshop.


Invited Speakers:

We invite substantive abstracts (approx. 1 page) of short papers by junior researchers (25-30mins) on the topics of the conference. For the purposes of this event, “junior researchers” includes untenured faculty, postdocs and graduate students.

Please submit abstracts or papers in PDF format to Nathan Kellen by January 15, 2018.  (Authors of accepted papers will be notified within a few weeks.)

11/15: From perception to symbolic thought: how language augments human cognition

The Psychological Sciences Colloquium Series presents:


Gary Lupyan, Department of Psychology, University of Wisconsin, Madison

3:30pm in BOUS A106


Talk: From perception to symbolic thought: how language augments human cognition

It is a common refrain that language is one of the defining traits of our species. Yet for all its claimed importance, most cognitive scientists work under the assumption that language, while important for communicating pre-existing thoughts, plays a minor if any role in their construction. I will argue that this view is mistaken and that words play a much more central role in creating meaning than is generally acknowledged. Using a wide range of empirical evidence, I will show that even in linguistically savvy adults, the use of language actively modulates “nonverbal” mental processing from low-level perception to higher-level reasoning. On the presented view, some of the unique aspects of human cognition stem from the power of words to flexibly transform mental representations into more categorical states. This view has immediate consequences for understanding the cognitive consequences of learning and using language and for questions concerning linguistic relativity.

12/6: Science and Story-The Role of Narrative in Modern Research

Science and Story

The Role of Narrative in Modern Research

Tim Miller

Digital Media & Design, University of Connecticut

Wednesday, 6 December, 2017, 3:30pm

Konover Auditorium, Dodd Center

Reception to follow

Sponsored by the CT Institute for the Brain and Cognitive Sciences (IBACS)

and the training program in Science of Learning & the Art of Communication (SLAC)


In today’s crowded and increasingly competitive research environment, it is more important than ever for scientists to take an active role in communicating the importance of their work to as broad an audience as possible. The ability to recruit collaborators, attract funding, and effectively report results requires clear, concise communication. As emerging research challenges focus on fundamentally transdisciplinary questions, the ability to communicate among a diverse cohort is becoming an integral component of the conduct of research within laboratories, not just a supplementary activity that occurs outside of them. This talk addresses some of the fundamental principles that can guide effective communication, and introduces a conceptual framework that can serve as a scaffold for communication strategies of any scope.

10/27: Social judgments, gaze patterns, and facial movements of adolescents with and without ASD

Dr. Ruth Grossman, Emerson College

Friday (10/27) from 12:20-1:10 in Bous 162

Title: First Impressions Matter: Social judgments, gaze patterns, and facial movements of adolescents with and without ASD

Abstract: We quickly form first impressions during social interactions. In the case of encounters with individuals on the autism spectrum (ASD), those first impressions are often negative. In this talk I will present data and research questions regarding the formation of those first impressions, the gaze patterns to individuals with and without ASD, and the facial expression movements that may underly that first impression formation.